Helix-Junction-Helix Motifs as Building Blocks of RNA Tertiary Structure

This project is dedicated to achieving this level of understanding for a ubiquitous building block element of RNA tertiary structure: the helix-junction-helix (HJH) motif. Our studies are made possible by recent breakthroughs in experimental techniques for dissecting RNA structure ensembles. This study will mark the beginning of an effort aimed at comprehensively characterizing the entire HJH ‘periodic table’.


Our aim is to resolve the conformational ensembles of helix-junction-helix (HJH) RNA motifs and higher order HJH assembly, and to understand their dependence on solution condition and potentially sequence.


From static to dynamic: the need for structural ensembles and a predictive model of RNA folding and function

Dan Herschlag, Benjamin E Allred, Seshadri Gowrishankar
Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2015 Mar 2;30:125-133. doi: 10.1016/j.sbi.2015.02.006



Quantifying Nucleic Acid Ensembles with X-ray Interferometry

Xuesong Shi, Steve Bonilla, Daniel Herschlag and Pehr Harbury
Methods in Enzymology

Topological constraints are major determinants of tRNA tertiary structure and dynamics and provide basis for tertiary folding cooperativity

Anthony Mustoe, Charles L Brooks 3rd, Hashim Al Hashimi
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Sep 12. pii: gku807


