Dissecting Nucleic Acid Electrostatics

This project focuses the ubiquitous ion atmosphere, which profoundly influences the overall folding of all complex RNAs. We have chosen to work with simple, structurally well-defined constructs to isolate electrostatic interactions involving the ion atmosphere to their basic core elements. This basic, comprehensive, and rich data is used to rigorously develop and test state-of-the-art electrostatic models and theories that can be applied for prediction and used as tools for design in more complicated RNA systems.


Our aim is to use state of the art experimental and theoretical methods to understand how the ionic atmosphere forms around nucleic acids and how it affects conformational ensembles of simple helix-junction-helix (HJH) RNA or DNA motifs.


Multiscale methods for computational RNA enzymology

Maria Panteva, Thakshila Dissanayake, Haoyuan Chen, Brian K. Radak, Erich R. Kuechler, George M. Giambasu, Tai-Sung Lee, Darrin M. York
Methods Enzymol. 2015;553:335-74. doi: 10.1016/bs.mie.2014.10.064. Epub 2015 Jan 22.



Observation of correlated X-ray scattering at atomic resolution

Derek Mendez, Thomas J. Lane, Jongmin Sung, Jonas Sellberg, Clément Levard, Herschel Watkins, Aina E. Cohen, Michael Soltis, Shirley Sutton, James Spudich, Vijay Pande, Daniel Ratner, Sebastian Doniach
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2014 Jul 17;369(1647):20130315



Understanding nucleic acid-ion interactions

Jan Lipfert, Sebastian Doniach, Rhiju Das, Dan Herschlag
Annu Rev Biochem. 2014;83:813-41


